Hard work vs Smart work

3 min readJul 17, 2021


~Jiah Bhutani


· Hard work means being persistently or customarily engaged in an activity. ‘Hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard’’. For example, a school student who takes up multiple additional courses could be considered hardworking.

· Smart work means achieving more in less time by appropriately prioritizing work. Let us take up an example when a student narrows down his/her focus to one subject at a time while preparing for entrance exams might be considered as smart work.

Pros of Hard Work

· SELF GRATIFICATION- A hard-working person always gets the feeling of ecstasy once the task is completed.

· TEACHES THE ART OF PATIENCE- For working long hours consistently, one needs to endure patience.

· THE ART OF BEING DISCIPLINARIAN- The utmost requirement for being a hard-working person is discipline. It is observed that a hard-working is not easily distracted.

· PUNCTUALITY- Being hardworking means being punctual towards the work assigned, to finish all the tasks on time.

Cons of Hard Work

· TIME- Hard work requires long hours of working which might be a problem for some people around the world.

· LABOURSOME AND HECTIC- For being a hard worker, one needs to work laboriously which can kill the time for self-enjoyment.

· ISN’T SUFFICIENT ENOUGH TO REACH OUR GOALS- Hard work isn’t fully sufficient for us to reach our goals as for being successful right planning towards the desired goals is required.

· UNEXCITING AT TIMES- Continuously working daily for long durations without taking any breaks can make one feel tiresome and dull at times.

Pros of Smart Work

· INNOVATORY AND CREATIVE- Smart work makes one innovative and creative as it requires both practical and vivid thinking.

· ENHANCEMENT OF PRODUCTIVITY- Smart work gives fulfilling results which enhance the productivity of a person.

· TEACHES TIME MANAGEMENT- Smart work involves a lot of planning and mapping of tasks that are required to be fulfilled which in return builds up time management skills.

· STRENGTHEN FOCUS- Smart work requires complete use of intellect and presence of mind which ultimately strengthen the focus of a person.

Cons of Smart Work

· MAY MAKE ONE LETHARGIC- Smart gives more output in less work which may make one lazy towards his/her job.

· MAY DESPISE THE TRADITIONAL WAY OF WORKING- It is commonly observed that the students who have a higher inclination towards smart work are not well adapted to the traditional way of working, such as studying history as a subject at school.

· MIGHT DEVELOP THE HABIT OF OVERTHINKING- Smart working people are always thinking of new ways to solve a problem which might lead to overthinking patterns that could affect their mental health status eventually.

Is Hard Work or Smart Work Better in the Long Run?

In my personal opinion, I believe that it is hard work which in long makes one a successful personality because it is hard work which helps us gain experience which ultimately brushes up one is smart working operational skills. One can lead a fulfilling and tranquil life by incorporating both hard work and smart work hand in hand. By being just a hard worker, one might not reach certain heights as overall development may get stagnant, just like a serviceman who works extra shifts to feed his/her family might not step ahead because of not working individually for himself/herself.

Whereas the CEO of the company uses both smart work and hard work to gain his/her full potential by using such strategies to make other people work under him/her as per his/her own ideal structures. To bring out the best in one, a slightly higher inclination towards hard work is required. The effort is important but where to make the effort creates all the difference.




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